Check out this Disc Painter from DYMO. No more labeling your CD's with a sharpie and blowing them dry so the ink doesn't somehow end up on your face.
Prints any custom graphics at 600 dpi in 60 seconds. Its a little pricey but could be a nice touch for that mixed tape for your new girlfriend.
The sharpie should mover way over. The DiscPainter prints fast and in full color directly on any printable disc in just a minute. I use it for my music mixes that I sell for a living. My labels have to look good or I'm outta business. Anyone who similarly needs great looking discs should use the DiscPainter.
I love my dymo printer...it has made my life soo much easier b/c the software is great and easy to use and i can get a great cd in about 3 mins...i mean how awesome is that ppl
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